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What is EMF?

Learn more about Electromagnetic Radiation Fields
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What is Electromagnetic

Radiation (EMR)?

EMF Basics

From the beginning of time, life on earth has adapted to survive in an environment of weak, natural Electromagnetic Radiation. During the 20th century, man-made EMR was introduced to our environment as an unexpected by-product of modern electricity. This type of unnatural EMR was different than what we have been exposed in centuries of the past.

EMR travels at the speed of light and is invisible to humans. It is generally organized by frequency and wavelength. The frequency of EMR refers to the number of times it repeats itself or cycles per second as Hertz (Hz). The wavelength refers to the physical size of the wave and wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency. Extremely Low frequency or ELF, have the longest wavelength and Higher Frequencies such as Radio Frequencies (RF) or Microwaves have a shorter wavelength. These types of EMR are referred to as non-ionizing radiation. The highest frequencies have very short waves and are classified as ionizing radiation. This can be seen in the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Electromagnetic Radiation includes AC Fields, DC Fields, Magnetic Fields, Electric Fields, RF Waves / Microwaves, Ionizing and non Ionizing Radiation. AC refers to alternating current which continually changes polarity for positive to negative creating a push pull force effect. DC refers to direct current which is a constant continual field or a constant force. RF and Microwaves have alternating field properties but at a much higher frequency. Ionizing radiation is composed of particles that individually have sufficient energy (or can liberate sufficient energy) to remove an electron from an atom or molecule.

Recommended Reading

  • The Invisible Rainbow – Arthur Firstenburg (The beginning of electrification until today.)
  • The NON-TINFOIL Guide to EMF’s – Nicolas Pineault (A very practical guide.)
  • Tracing EMF’s in Building Wiring and Grounding – Karl Riley (For those who don’t mind crawling through spider web infested or through loose insulation in the attic in order to fix mis-wired circuits, and to all those homeowners and tenants who were unable to get good serious factual responses from the various authorities they consulted.)

Electromagnetic Radiation
Specialists. Serving Eastern
Ontario, Western

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EMF Refuge
627 Country Trail Pvt
Carlsbad Springs, ON
K0A 1K0
